All Premium Sponsors will receive prominent listing on event banner, premium drawing bundles, American-Made USA souvenirs, lunch, 12 ga. & 20 ga. shotgun shells, and clay targets for each shooter on premium sponsored team(s).
- HOST SPONSOR – $7,500 • 10 Premium shooter registrations and Host Sponsor listing on the event banner … you’re at the top!
- PROMOTIONAL SPONSOR – $6,500 • 10 Premium shooter registrations and a co-branded item with your logo will be provided to all attendees. Leave our shooters with something to remember you by!
- TRANSPORTATION SPONSOR – $6,500 • 10 Premium shooter registrations and provide golf carts for guests (when sponsored and regular vehicles are prohibited). Thanks for the ride!
- LUNCH SPONSOR – $6,500 • 10 Premium shooter registrations, and co-branded stadium cups with your logo will be provided to all attendees at lunch. Cheers to you for the great meal!
- AMMO SPONSOR – $4,500 • 5 Premium shooter registrations and ammo for our shooters. Thanks for helping everyone have a blast!
- CONSERVATION SPONSOR – $4,000 • 5 Premium shooter registrations and support for USA’s mission.
* Deadline for signage for these sponsorship levels: Monday, April 24, 2023