TWBNxUSA Women’s Fishing Event
September 27 @ 8:30 am - 12:00 pm CDT
Join us at Bayou Savage NWR (Wild Bayou) for a ribbon cutting ceremony at a new fishing pier installed by New Orleans tradeswomen followed by a tradeswomen’s fishing event.
Fishing equipment, bait and licenses will be provided, and USA staff and union volunteers will be available to assist. The refuge also offers a great opportunity for wildlife viewing.
Everyone who participates in the hike will be entered in a drawing for an outdoor prize package worth more than $1,500, compliments of United Healthcare.
Getting There
Transportation to Refuge: Bus service will pick up attendees at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside (1st Floor, 2nd side drive door – look for signs). Bus will begin loading at 8:00 AM and depart at 8:30 AM.
*If using other transportation to the refuge, please check that box on the registration form*
Transportation from Refuge: Bus service will leave the Refuge between 11:30 and Noon to head back to the hotel.
Transportation made possible by the IUPAT.