Do you enjoy hunting, fishing and shooting TV shows?
If you’re answer is yes, this is something you need to hear.
Verizon—the cable, mobile and internet provider—has dropped Sportsman Channel, the official network of the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance’s union-dedicated TV show Brotherhood Outdoors, along with Outdoor Channel from its television carriage service.
Verizon notified subscribers via email and encouraged them to explore similar content on History Channel, Destination America, Nat Geo Wild and Discovery Channel—all channels that carry no hunting, fishing or shooting programming. Clearly Verizon doesn’t understand this category.
These actions against the Outdoor Sportsman Group Networks – the world’s largest aggregator and content provider for outdoor lifestyle programming – has angered outdoor enthusiasts across the country, including AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. More than 130 million Americans engage in some form of outdoor lifestyle activity and response to these actions does not sit well within this passionate and loyal group.
“We have more than six and a half million members who make the outdoors an important part of their lives,” said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. “We are disappointed that Verizon has chosen to take these actions against Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel. Working people can’t be silenced by big corporate interests, and will stand up to fight back against this unfair move by Verizon.”
We need your help to fight back to let Verizon and other TV providers know they can’t simply ignore the interests of millions of Americans.
How you can help:
1. If you’re a Verizon customer (whether Fios, cell phone or broadband), call Verizon and question their drops. Demand they bring Sportsman Channel and Outdoor Channel back. If they refuse, tell them you will be taking your business elsewhere.
2. If you’re not a Verizon customer, still contact Verizon and express your dissatisfaction with their removal of the two networks.
3. Post your disapproval of their drops on the Verizon Fios Facebook page
4. Spread the word to your friends, family, co-workers, union brothers and sisters who enjoy hunting/fishing TV shows like Brotherhood Outdoors.
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