Camp Robinson, located 30 minutes from Little Rock, Arkansas, and owned by Arkansas Game & Fish, now has storage for horse feed, field trial game bird feed and other supplies thanks to the 10 union volunteers who came together through the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA) Work Boots on the Ground conservation program to build a secure 10’x20’ shed inside the horse barn.
“We offer many amenities for public use including a shooting range, campground, dog kennels, boating access and a horse barn,” said Matthew Mourot, Arkansas Game & Fish Commission Region 8 Assistant Regional Supervisor. “We did not have funding for this project in our current FY budget, and the user groups were in need of storage following the April 2014 tornado that destroyed many of our facilities.”
Members of Electrical Workers Local 295, Sheet Metal Workers Local 36, Painters District Council 80, Ironworkers Local 321, Sprinklerfitters Local 669 and the Arkansas AFL-CIO donated their trade skills and more than 87 hours in May, June and July to construct and stain the shed and install the electrical system, wrapping up the project on July 7.
“A lot of our members and volunteers shoot at the shooting range on Camp Robinson and use their archery range,” said David Stephens, project leader and IBEW Local 295 Assistant Business Manager. “This project provided an avenue to give back to something they love and also show that Union members are part of the community.”
Launched in 2010, Work Boots on the Ground brings together union members willing to volunteer their time and expertise to projects that conserve wildlife habitat, educate future generations of sportsmen and women, improve public access to the outdoors or restore America’s parks. Located in Faulkner County Arkansas, Camp Robinson encompasses 4,029 acres and is open to the public for hunting, fishing and other outdoor recreational activities.