Each year when I attend the Archery Trade Association Trade (ATA) show, I am amazed at how many companies continue to introduce innovative products that bowhunters everywhere will run to the store to purchase. Below are a few of my favorite new archery accessories.
If you are an avid bowhunter, you have probably climbed into your tree stand and didn’t have a place to hang your quiver or bow. The new Zen quiver from Athens Archery solves this problem. The quiver has a built-in hook that quickly folds out from the body of the quiver that can be used to screw the quiver to a tree. The screw-in hook has a bow holder attached to it so you can attach your quiver to the tree and your bow to the hook. With the Zen quiver, you don’t have to worry about bringing a screw-in hook with you. You can buy a four- or six-arrow Zen quiver. To learn more, visit www.athensarchery.com.
Hips Targets has a new target called the X2 that is constructed from a new foam formula created specifically for archery targets called Endurance Foam. It combines enhanced stopping power with self-healing properties that result in easy arrow removal. These new Endurance foam layers are subjected to a heat-welding process that fuses the layers into a single arrow-stopping block.
The single block design ensures there is friction on all surfaces of the arrow for greater stopping ability than stacked thin layers that grab on only two sides and require the use of glues, bands or straps. This solid block construction also minimizes the slithering because there aren’t any thin layers that can be easily cut by broadheads. Hips Targets and MasterTarget have teamed up to produce a target with faces made from MasterTarget’s patented Durashot material. These faces are rugged, waterproof and UV resistant.
The X2 provides over 150 aiming points on every target. The large number of aiming points allows the archer to use the entire target for thousands of shots. As an added insurance, dots are offset with dots located on other areas of the target so the archer has fresh foam with each dot. The X2 is a tuning tool for archers. The wrap that surrounds the target has horizontal and vertical lines in the design to use for tuning the bows for correct nock position and center shot. Check the X2 out at www.hipstargets.com.
This seems to be the year of great quivers. Scorpyd Crossbows has a new quiver called The Grip Quiver that is truly unique. Unlike quivers that must remain attached to the bow when hunting or hung on a hook of some type, the Grip Quiver comes with a unique gripper that quickly attaches the quiver to the bow and can also be used to grip branches, metal tubing on a treestand platform or anything small enough for the jaws of the Grip to attach to. The Grip operates like a wood clamp or a woman’s hair clip.
To attach the Grip Quiver to a branch or treestand, squeeze the handles on the Grip, place the jaws on a branch and let go. To remove the Grip Quiver from the bow, squeeze the handles on the Grip Quiver. No more screwing in pegs or being forced to hunt with the quiver attached to the bow. With the Grip Quiver, you can remove the quiver off your bow and attach it to almost anything in a few seconds.
The Grip Quiver weighs 7 ounces and is 14 inches long. It is lightweight and compact so when it’s attached to a bow or crossbow, it’s not noticeable. To learn more, visitwww.scorpyd.com
If one of your friends or family members is a bowhunter who is a scent-free fanatic, consider purchasing them a bow case from ScenTote. A bow is one of those things that is often overlooked by hunters when considering scent control, but like other hunting gear, a bow can hold human scent. A bow can be kept odor-free in a ScenTote bow case because it has an activated carbon web absorber inside the case that adsorbs odors and the airtight zipper ensures no odors come in or out of the case.
ScenTote makes two different bow cases. A heavy duty bow case that has extra pockets to hold gear and the new Ultralight bow case that is lightweight and perfect for the bowhunter on the go. For more information, visit www.scentote.com
The NuFletch Spectrum is a great option for bowhunters who want to quickly and easily replace arrow vanes without refletching them. The NuFletch Spectrum is a machined aluminum ferrule with slits or grooves in it that accepts arrow vanes that get screwed into the nock end of the arrow. First cut your shaft 3-1/2 inches shorter than normal and glue an insert into the nock end of the shaft. Then screw the sleeve into the insert, slide a vane into each slit and screw on a cap that comes complete with a nock and you are ready to shoot.
The biggest benefit of this system is the fact that if you rip a vane or want to change the colors of the vanes you are using, unscrew the cap, take out the old vane and put in a new one. The Nu-Fletch System is available for a variety of vanes including Fusion and Blazer Vanes. They make a variety of sizes for different types of arrow shafts.
Adding the NuFletch System adds about fifty grains to the overall weight of the shaft but according to the folks at Nu-Fletch, adding the system is more forgiving than a traditional arrow. The stiff tail design absorbs the immediate release of energy stored in the string.The stiff design transfers this energy to the arrow and because the length of the arrow is shorter because the NuFletch is added and the spine has increased slightly, the arrow oscillates less. This reduced oscillation results in quick arrow recovery and more efficient flight down range.