The Union Sportsmen’s Alliance’s 10th Annual Roofers Twin Cities Sporting Clays Shoot was the organization’s largest shoot of the year and a huge success, despite the COVID-19 pandemic challenges.
The Union Sportsmen’s Alliance’s (USA) 10th Annual Roofers Twin Cities Sporting Clays Shoot on September 12th was the USA’s largest shoot of the year and a huge success, despite the COVID-19 pandemic challenges.
Hosted by the United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers at Wild Marsh Sporting Clays in Clear Lake Township, Minnesota, the event drew 176 participants—the most participants at any USA shoot in 2020—and grossed more than $160,000 to support the USA’s efforts to preserve North America’s outdoor heritage.
The pandemic made event organizers, like Mark Conroy with Roofers Local 96, get creative in how to safely create a fun environment for everyone. The 140-acre venue allowed enough space to practice appropriate social distancing. Each attendee received a face mask upon entry, and each shooting station had hand sanitizers; even the golf carts were limited to two per cart. “The building trades community really came together on this one, and it’s just a good thing to see all the brothers and sisters here,” Conroy said.

The COVID-19 pandemic made event organizers get creative to provide a safe and fun environment for the 176 participants at the USA’s 10th Annual Roofers Twin Cities Sporting Clays Shoot.
“My hat is off to Roofers Local 96 and the unions of Minnesota for holding a fantastic shooting event. At a time when COVID is ravaging the nation, union members demonstrated how to safely participate in the outdoor recreation of their choice,” said Roofers International President Kinsey Robinson. “Through events like this, the USA will continue to grow and be the conservation voice for millions of union members.”
According to USA Shooting Programs Manager Chris Piltz, “the event’s success was made possible by the strong commitment of the Roofers International, Roofers Local 96, and especially Conroy, to adapt and innovate to make the shoot possible despite the hurdles of the pandemic. We also owe a big thanks to USA founding partner UIG for assisting at the event. We could not continue to preserve America’s outdoor heritage without the generosity of our sponsors and partners.”
Launched in 2009, the USA shooting program helps raise funds to support USA-organized efforts including the renovation of public parks, fishing piers and other facilities, wildlife habitat restoration, youth activities, and mentorship programs. The determination of the Roofers Union proves how instrumental its brothers and sisters are in bettering the great outdoors through conservation.