The Union Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA) is proud to announce its support of the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) Project ChildSafe program to help promote safe firearms handling and responsible storage when not in use.
NSSF launched Project ChildSafe in 1999 as a nationwide initiative to promote firearms responsibility and provide safety education to all gun owners. The centerpiece of the program is its free firearm safety kits, which include a cable-style gun lock and safety brochure. To date, the program has distributed more than 38 million free gun locks through partnerships with more than 15,000 law enforcement agencies.
The USA will promote Project ChildSafe via a variety of channels to millions of labor union members who participate in hunting and the shooting sports, including digital media, the organization’s national shooting tour, regional conservation dinners and its award-winning television show, Brotherhood Outdoors.

The USA will promote NSSF’s Project ChildSafe and free gun locks to millions of labor union members.
“Safe, responsible gun use is a cornerstone of our youth outreach, adult mentorship and shooting tour events,” said USA CEO and Executive Director Scott Vance. “We are excited to help Project ChildSafe promote firearm safety and ensure firearms owners have the tools and information they need to store their firearms responsibly. Proper storage is the number one way to help prevent firearm accidents, theft and misuse, and as an organization committed to preserving our outdoor heritage, the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance understands how important safety education is to that mission.
“In joining with Project ChildSafe, we stand alongside a coalition of conservation allies and shooting sports organizations, along with nearly 9,000 individual retailers, gun ranges and hunter safety instructors,” Vance added. “This outreach has already reminded millions of gun owners to safely and securely store their firearms when not in use. Harnessing union members’ passion for firearms safety, community service and preserving our outdoor heritage will help spread this important message to millions more.”
The USA’s Project ChildSafe promotion is part of an ongoing partnership with NSSF. Utilizing an NSSF grant, the USA recently held a series of Get Youth Outdoors Day events through its Work Boots on the Ground program, in which union volunteers trained in firearms safety instruction provided more than 130 youth with hands-on introductions to shooting disciplines including trap, sporting clays, riflery and archery.
The organizations also teamed up on a “Mentoring Rewarded” campaign that awarded 1,500 Buck knives and three Savage firearms to adults who introduced youth to hunting and recreational shooting.