by Laura Tingo
As committed as he is to his union, his devotion to his wife is immeasurable. Because she is unable to walk and wheelchair-ridden from the crippling disease Multiple Sclerosis, Rich runs the house with grocery shopping, laundry and yard work.
His feelings about family and work are values he holds strong and close. “Keep going forward no matter what life brings you.”
When the Brotherhood Outdoors staff learned about Rich’s commitment to his family as well as his sincere dedication to his craft and union, they selected him as a guest hunter on the show.
When the call came from show co-host Julie McQueen with the invitation to go on a turkey hunt on a Georgia plantation, Rich was filled with anticipation. “I used to hunt every chance I got,” he said. “Now I have many more duties at home, so it is hard to go on a great hunting trip.”
The trip offered Rich some respite, a chance to recharge his battery, and a shot at some new experiences in the outdoors.
“I had never had one of my hunts captured on film,” said Rich, “only pictures afterwards. I know that it is much harder to harvest game while filming a show; it’s just much easier when you are by yourself.”
One morning of the trip, Julie points out a bobcat in a field. “I got to see it running away,” said Rich. “That was the first bobcat I have ever seen.”
The first day of hunting, Rich, Julie and co-host Daniel Lee Martin call turkeys in, capturing them on film, but none come into range to get a good shot.
On day two of the hunt, the crew enjoys a slow morning and a break for a big brunch, but it’s the evening, when the pace begins to change as Julie and Rich spot a group of jakes and hens in a roosting area. Feeling the day is a wrap when the birds head for the trees, the crew changes its focus on setting up the cameras for an interview with Rich.
Unbeknownst to Julie and Rich, Daniel Lee is calling to two toms strutting just 55 yards away.
Will Rich have time to regroup and take a shot when the toms appear just 50 years out? You’ll have to join Rich and the Brotherhood Outdoors crew for this exciting adventure to find out.
Tune in to Brotherhood Outdoors on Sportsman Channel. See Show Schedule.